Salted caramel nut bar

Flapjack goes nuts!

🍽️6-8 servings


  • 1/4 part unsalted pecans
  • 1/4 part walnuts or cashews (unsalted)
  • 1/2 part oatmeal flakes
  • 200 gr sugar
  • 100 ml water
  • 90 g plant butter
  • Thyme to taste
  • Salt
  • (Vegan) crème fraîche
  • Cranberry compote


  1. Finely grind the nuts in a food processor until the pieces are no larger than 1/2 cm.
  2. Toast the nuts in a frying pan without oil until lightly coloured.
  3. Deposit on a plate to cool.
  4. Finely grind the oats with the thyme in a food processor to a coarse flour.
  5. Combine the cooled nuts and the oatmeal in a large bowl.
  6. Put the sugar in a saucepan and cover with the water, heat over low heat. Heat until it starts to simmer and gradually changes colour.
  7. Be patient and make sure the caramel does not get too dark.
  8. When you have reached the right brown colour, immediately add the butter. Keep stirring for about 1-2 minutes until the butter is completely dissolved.
  9. Line a shallow dish with baking paper while you let the caramel cool slightly. Make sure it doesn’t solidify completely.
  10. Mix the caramel with the nut mix in the large bowl and then pour it out in the bowl. Don’t wait too long as it cools down quickly.

Done! Now you can store it in the fridge.


Let the cake come to room temperature before cutting.
Serve the cake with a layer/top of crème fraîche and jam or compote to taste.

Photo by Angele J via Pexels

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